My friend,,, I had to share this short story with you,as we are always
discussing sound design and sound related stuff,,,,,I spend most of my time right here,making art,discussing the grand babies with Doris,etc.,,,,,,,,and listening to the two dogs next door,,,
because we are so close,and I cain't turn them off,,,,I have come to know them very well,,Doris is my witness here,,she has heard them too !,,,,,the bigger dog, black with some whippit blood,,is enharmonic,,ie.can sing,,I met one other dog like that,,{a large spotted Dalmation fire house dog,with a neck largre than mine}
I played piano and he hit the pitch,when I would sing and play,he would chose when to come in,,,anyway,,,the second dog is a dashund ,a little winer dog,a yapper,,,(mindless endless yapper),,
over the last year,Big black whip,has been singing a lot,,and on Christmas eve at 9:45 A.M. the yapper began to TRY to immatate the big dog,,short,sustained yealps at first but by night,he could memic the yodal voice of the big dog,,,,
by the time I returned from Houston,he had acquired a tiny yodal of his own,,,today,,for the first time,I heard them try to sing unisons,,,together,
I would not believe it ,if I had not heard it myself !!!!!!!!!! the other dogs around had been silenced (cold weather,etc.) and
their owners don't see them much,,so their prision was smaller than mine,,to be sure the little dog hasn't given up the yapping,
but,,,,doggie glee,,,,common now,,,,,,but why not???,,,,
I'm just the human singer in the cell next to their yard,,perhaps they are lonely,[I am not],,,
but I like them better when they sing,,,,,,,,,and I'm sure folks like me better when I sing !